Can Crested Geckos Eat Strawberries

Can Crested Geckos Eat Strawberries? A Delicious Treat for  Friend

As a devoted crested gecko owner, I’ve always been on a quest to provide the best care and nutrition for my scaly companion. One sunny afternoon, while enjoying a fresh batch of strawberries myself, I couldn’t help but wonder – could these delectable berries be a treat for my pet too?

However, My curiosity led me to dive into the world of their dietary preferences, and what I discovered was both fascinating and delightful.

Yes, It’s perfectly fine for your crested gecko to eat strawberries. They often love this fruit. Whether you serve strawberries on their own or mix them with other suitable fruits, your friend is likely to enjoy their meal.

Join me on this journey as we explore the tantalizing question.

Nutrition value: 

NutrientAmount per 100 grams
Calories32 calories
Carbohydrates7.7 grams
Dietary Fiber2 grams
Sugar4.9 grams
Protein0.7 grams
– Vitamin C58.8 milligrams (98% DV)
– Vitamin A (Beta-Carotene)Minimal
– Vitamin K2.2 micrograms
– Folate (Vitamin B9)24 micrograms
– Potassium153 milligrams
– Calcium16 milligrams

For Healthy Crested Gecko Fruit Choices

For Healthy Crested Gecko Fruit Choices

Calcium to Phosphorus Ratio (Ca:P): Look for fruits with a 2:1 or better Ca:P ratio. These fruits are excellent for your gecko’s health because calcium is vital for strong bones.

Oxalic Acid Content: Avoid fruits with medium to high levels of oxalic acid. Too much oxalic acid can block calcium absorption and harm your gecko.

Acceptance of Fruits:

Just like us, they have their food preferences. Some may enjoy fruits, while others might not be interested at all. If your gecko refuses fruits but still eats well, no need to worry. However, if the refusal persists, consult your vet or try offering alternative treats.

Sweetness Caution:

They can develop a sweet tooth for sugary fruits and berries. Be cautious and use these sweet treats sparingly, not as a regular diet. Too much sweetness can make your gecko skip the essential, nutritious food it needs for health and growth.

Nutritional Value Matters:

Not all fruits, berries, and veggies benefit your pet equally. Always consider the nutritional value of what you feed your gecko. Feeding them without thinking could harm their health in ways you might not expect. Be mindful of their diet to keep them healthy and happy.

Here’s the catch: Most fruits don’t have the best Ca:P ratio. So, while your pet can eat fruits, offer them as occasional treats. This way, you ensure a balanced diet and keep your gecko healthy.

How much strawberries should you feed your crested geckos?

Determining the right amount of strawberries for your crested gecko can be a bit tricky, as it hinges on factors like age, weight, health, and activity level. To keep it straightforward and safe, offer your gecko one sliced strawberry as an occasional treat, about once a week.

Here’s how to serve strawberries to your friend:

Mashed Marvel:

Turn those strawberries into a mash! This form is easier for geckos to digest. Simply mash the fruit in a dish with a fork or your fingers and serve it up. Be cautious not to make their habitat slippery for their safety. If mashing feels like too much effort, consider freezing them into ice-block treats. Leave some space in the containers, as frozen juice may expand upon melting.

Mix ‘n’ Match:

Blend strawberries with other fruits like bananas and papayas. This not only moderates their strawberry intake but also provides essential vitamins. Ensure you don’t serve more than a full fruit’s worth during a feeding session to avoid digestive issues.

Sliced Delights:

Slice those! Cutting them into smaller pieces increases the surface area, making it easier for your crested gecko to consume. Ensure the slices are manageable for your gecko to swallow comfortably.

A Hint of Ripeness:

Another option is offering slightly overripe it.  Slice them up and let them sit until they become slightly mushy and brown. They can handle this softer texture.

Remember, if the fruit starts smelling bad or develops moldy spots, toss it out.

To ensure your gecko receives all the necessary nutrients, you can consider mixing powdered supplements, like calcium, with water. This will help compensate for any deficiencies in the fruit’s nutritional quality

Substitutes for Strawberries:

If you’re concerned about the low Ca:P ratio in strawberries, you have alternatives:

Strawberry Jelly Pots: These are high in protein but should only be given as occasional treats, not as a primary diet.

PFM (Complete Gecko Diet): While there’s no strawberry flavor, you can find other flavors like Banana, Apricot, Watermelon, or Papaya in commercial PFM options. These can provide a balanced diet for your crested gecko.

Benefits of Feeding Your Crested Gecko Strawberries:

Low Oxalic Acid: Strawberries have a low level of oxalic acid, making them safe for them.  Oxalic acid levels are around 2 mg per serving, which is considered low.

Nutrient-Rich: They are a good source of vitamins C and K, fiber, folic acid, manganese, and potassium. They are also sodium-free, fat-free, cholesterol-free, and low in calories.

Enhanced Skeletal Health: Calcium contributes to stronger bones and teeth in crested geckos.

Prevention of Bone Disease: Adequate calcium intake helps prevent conditions like metabolic bone disease, which can lead to skeletal deformities.

Calcium Balance: Further, plays a crucial role in maintaining a proper calcium balance, preventing calcium deficiency in them.

Boosted Energy and Kidney Function:  Also, contributes to increased energy levels and supports kidney function in these reptiles.

Metabolism Support: It aids in the metabolism of sugars, essential for carbohydrate metabolism . 

Negatives of Feeding Your Crested Gecko Strawberries:

Calcium to Phosphorus Ratio: Unfortunately, It has a less favorable calcium to phosphorus ratio, which is 1:1.5. This ratio is not ideal for them. While berries are not harmful, there are fruits like papayas with more beneficial ratios for your gecko’s health.

Seeds or No Seeds – It’s a Gecko’s Choice:

Whether to offer strawberries with or without their seeds to your crested gecko mostly depends on their taste. Some enjoy it with the seeds, while others may not.

Interestingly, their seeds are quite different from those in many other fruits – they’re not large or hard. When you blend or puree strawberries, the seeds are hardly noticeable because they get mashed up too.

So, if you’re mashing strawberries or mixing them with other fruits, feel free to leave the seeds intact. Your pet preference is what matters most, and the seeds aren’t a big concern.

Fruits to Avoid for Crested Geckos

Fruits to Avoid for Crested Geckos

They should steer clear of citrus fruits like oranges, tangerines, and others due to their high oxalic acid content. Additionally, it’s best to avoid offering lemons, kiwis, nectarines, grapefruits, or pineapples to your gecko, even if they show interest in these fruits. These choices are not suitable for their diet.


How many times to feed strawberries?

Limit strawberry treats to once a week or less to ensure a balanced diet for your leopard gecko.

Can geckos live on fruit?

No, geckos cannot live on fruit alone. While some fruit can be an occasional treat for certain species of geckos, their primary diet consists of insects and other protein sources. A fruit-only diet would not provide the essential nutrients they need to thrive.

Final words

In conclusion, I’ve learned that they can indeed eat strawberries. These little reptiles often enjoy this tasty treat. While it should be given in moderation due to their calcium-phosphorus ratio, they can be a delightful addition to a crested gecko’s diet. 

Remember, it’s essential to provide a balanced and varied menu to keep our pet friends happy and healthy.

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