How Big Do Gargoyle Geckos Get

How Big Do Gargoyle Geckos Get?

As I gazed into the captivating world of reptiles, one creature stood out among the rest – the enigmatic Gargoyle Gecko. With its distinctive appearance and unique charm, this species has piqued the curiosity of countless reptile enthusiasts, myself included. 

However, I was in a dimly lit pet store, surrounded by terrariums housing various reptilian wonders. Among them, a small Gecko clung to a branch, its eyes fixed on me as if inviting me into its secretive realm. It was then that I embarked on a quest to understand these mesmerizing creatures, beginning with a simple yet crucial question: How big do Gargoyle Geckos get?

Grown-up geckos can stretch to about 7-10 inches long and weigh in at 40-60 grams. But when they’re just born, they’re a tiny 3 inches from head to tail

Let’s delve into the fascinating world of these unique reptiles and reveal the secrets behind their growth.

Size Chart: 

Age (Months)Male Length (inches)Male Weight (grams)Female Length (inches)Female Weight (grams)
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What are the factors that influence the size of gargoyle geckos?

What are the factors that influence the size of gargoyle geckos

Genetics: It plays a fundamental role in determining the size of them. Different genetic lines may exhibit variations in size potential.

Age and Growth Rate: Like leopard geckos, it experiences growth over time. Also,  typically reach their adult size within 18-24 months. Growth rates can vary among individuals.

Sexual Dimorphism: Further,  exhibit sexual dimorphism, with females being larger and bulkier than males as they reach maturity. This size difference is related to their distinct biological roles.

Nutrition and Diet: Proper nutrition is essential for healthy growth. They require a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients. Their diet may include:

  • Insects (e.g., crickets, roaches, mealworms)
  • Fruit-based baby food (used as a supplement)
  • Calcium and vitamin supplements

Providing a varied diet and ensuring that insects are gut-loaded (fed nutritious food before being offered to the geckos) is crucial for their growth and overall health.

Habitat and Enclosure Size: To provide a comfortable living space for your gargoyle gecko, choose the right-sized tank. A single gecko needs a tank that’s at least 24 inches tall, 16 inches wide, and 16 inches deep.

 For multiple, add 5 gallons for each,  for example, two geckos should have a 15-gallon tank, and three need a 20-gallon tank. Opt for a taller tank rather than a longer one to allow your gecko to climb, which they enjoy.

 Ensure good airflow and ventilation by using a tank with a mesh screen on top, which also makes it easy to see your pet. This simple setup will keep your gargoyle gecko happy and healthy,  it also affects growth rate 

Temperature and Lighting: Maintaining the correct temperature and lighting conditions is essential for them. To create an optimal habitat, it’s crucial to strike a balance, with humidity levels ideally ranging between 50-70 percent and temperatures in the range of 72-75°F.

Moreover, they are primarily nocturnal and still require moderate exposure to UVB rays for their overall health. This can be achieved through the use of specialized red or blue UVB bulbs within their habitat. Alternatively, if their enclosure is strategically positioned near a window, they can receive the necessary UVB rays from natural sunlight.

Stress Management: Minimizing stress is crucial for healthy growth. They should have a secure and undisturbed environment. Handling should be gentle and infrequent.

Health and Wellness: Regular veterinary check-ups are important to monitor their health. Health issues, parasites, or metabolic disorders can affect their growth. Maintaining a clean and disease-free enclosure is vital.

Molting: Like all reptiles, gargoyle geckos molt to grow. Providing appropriate humidity and substrate for molting is essential for their growth and shedding process.

Breeding: Lastly, it can divert energy and resources away from growth, especially for females. Some may grow more slowly if they are actively breeding.


Gargoyle geckos have a relatively long lifespan, typically reaching maturity between 12 and 18 months of age. Once mature, female geckos can lay about 2 eggs every 4-6 weeks for approximately 6 years. With proper care and nutrition, these captivating reptiles can enjoy an average lifespan of around 15 years.

Healthy Gargoyle Gecko Care Tips

For those considering or already owning a pet gargoyle gecko, here are some essential care tips to ensure their happiness and well-being:

Maintain a Clean Environment: Regularly clean the enclosure and disinfect water and food bowls to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria like salmonella. Consider using plastic water bottle lids as food bowls for gecko formulas.

Ensure Good Ventilation: Adequate ventilation in the enclosure is crucial to maintain air quality and promote your gecko’s health.

Manage Shedding: During shedding periods, increase humidity levels in the enclosure and add moss boxes to aid in the removal of old skin, ensuring a smooth process.

Provide Hiding Places: If you have a larger enclosure, include hiding spots to help feel secure and safe.

Choose Safe Enclosure Accessories: Avoid using prickly plants or branches with sharp twigs in the enclosure to prevent injuries.

Additional Gargoyle Gecko interesting Facts:

  • They can shed their tails if they feel stressed or frightened. While they can regrow a missing tail, it will never be the same as the original.
  • These often use their tails like an extra foot, aiding them in climbing through foliage.
  • Known for their remarkable climbing abilities, they can adhere to nearly any surface due to the thousands of tiny setae on the bottoms of their feet. These setae have tiny spatula-like structures at their tips that temporarily bond with surfaces, allowing them to move effortlessly on tree bark, walls, glass, and other surfaces.

When DoGargoyle  Geckos Stop Growing?

When DoGargoyle  Geckos Stop Growing

They typically reach their full adult size and stop growing at around 18 to 24 months of age. However, it’s important to note that individual geckos may have slight variations in their growth rates, so some may reach their adult size a bit earlier or later than this general timeframe. 

As well as proper care, including a nutritious diet, suitable habitat, and a stress-free environment, can help ensure that they reach their full growth potential and remain healthy throughout their lives.


Is a Gargoyle Gecko a Good Pet?

Yes, Gargoyle Geckos make excellent pets for reptile enthusiasts. They are relatively low-maintenance, have fascinating behavior, and their unique appearance adds to their appeal.

How big should a 1-year-old Gargoyle Gecko be?

On average, a 1-year-old Gargoyle Gecko typically reaches a size of around 4 to 4.5 inches in length, including their tail.

What size tank does a Gargoyle Gecko need?

A 20-gallon tall terrarium is suitable for an adult Gargoyle Gecko. Vertical space is important to accommodate their arboreal nature.

Can an adult Gargoyle Gecko live in a 12x12x18 tank?

While a 12x12x18 tank can work for an adult, a slightly larger enclosure, like a 20-gallon tall tank, is recommended to provide ample space for climbing and movement.

Are Gargoyle Geckos rare?

No, Gargoyle Geckos are not considered rare, but they are less common in the pet trade compared to some other gecko species.

Are Gargoyle Geckos friendly?

Yes, Gargoyle Geckos are generally considered docile and can become accustomed to gentle handling. However, they may be shy and prefer limited interaction.

Do Gargoyle Geckos hide a lot?

Yes, Gargoyle Geckos are nocturnal and tend to hide during the day. Providing plenty of hiding spots in their enclosure is essential for their comfort.

Do Gargoyle Geckos jump a lot?

No, Gargoyle Geckos are not known for frequent jumping. They are more likely to climb and explore vertically rather than make long jumps.

Do Gargoyle Geckos eat every day?

Gargoyle Geckos do not need to eat every day. Feeding them every 2-3 days with appropriately sized insects and occasional fruit-based diets is sufficient.

Do Gargoyle Geckos eat at night?

Yes, Gargoyle Geckos are nocturnal feeders and are most active during the evening and night when they hunt for food.

Can Gargoyle Geckos climb glass?

Yes, Gargoyle Geckos are excellent climbers and can adhere to and climb vertical surfaces, including glass. Providing vertical branches and climbing opportunities in their enclosure is essential for their well-being.

Final Words

In conclusion, my journey into understanding how big Gargoyle Geckos get has been truly enlightening. From the moment they hatch at a mere 3 inches to their adult size of 7-10 inches, these geckos have left me in awe of the marvels of nature.

Further, the incredible range of colors and patterns, known as “morphs,” adds a captivating dimension to these geckos’ allure. Whether you’re an experienced reptile enthusiast or considering one as a pet, knowing their growth potential is vital. It underscores the uniqueness of these creatures and their place in the world of exotic pets.

As I continue to care for and cherish these geckos, I’m reminded daily of the beauty and wonder they bring into my life. It’s a testament to the remarkable diversity and mysteries that the natural world holds, all within the confines of my own home.

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